Articles In Security

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

In an increasingly interconnected world, enterprises rely on numerous service providers to support their operations, from cloud storage solutions to specialized consulting services. Managing these relationships effectively requires a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of service providers. This blog explores the importance of establishing and maintaining such an inventory, complete with classifications and designated enterprise contacts, and highlights the necessity of regular reviews and updates. To ma... read more.

  • August 13, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

In our increasingly interconnected world, the importance of secure network practices cannot be overstated. As more enterprises embrace remote work, it is crucial to train workforce members on the dangers of connecting to and transmitting data over insecure networks for enterprise activities. This training should also extend to securely configuring home network infrastructure. To make these concepts engaging and memorable, we will use references from popular culture to illustrate the importance of secure net... read more.

  • August 06, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, keeping software up-to-date is a critical defense against vulnerabilities and threats. Ensuring that workforce members can verify and report out-of-date software patches or any failures in automated processes and tools is essential. This blog post explores best practices for this training, using engaging references from popular culture to make these concepts more relatable and memorable. The Importance of Software Updates Imagine if the Avengers didn’t upgra... read more.

  • July 30, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

In the battle against cyber threats, the ability to recognize and report potential security incidents is crucial. Just as heroes in pop culture stories must identify and respond to danger, your workforce needs to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to spot and report cybersecurity incidents. This blog post explores the importance of training employees to recognize potential incidents and outlines best practices for reporting them, using references from popular culture to make these concepts engaging a... read more.

  • July 23, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

In an era where data breaches and cybersecurity incidents dominate headlines, unintentional data exposure remains a significant threat to organizational security. Training workforce members to be aware of the causes for unintentional data exposure is essential. I’m going to cover common causes using factual pop culture references to highlight the importance of these practices. Mis-Delivery of Sensitive Data Imagine the chaos that ensues in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" when Harry receive... read more.

  • July 16, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

In “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”, the fellowship travels to Mordor to destroy the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron. In one scene, the fellowship come face to face with a Balrog. Knowing they cannot all escape, Gandalf stands on a bridge and yells “You Cannot Pass” and fights the Balrog to the death. What Gandalf did on the bridge relates to how we should handle our data. Gandalf recognized the threat of the Balrog to both his fellow travelers (colleagues) and t... read more.

  • July 09, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

Yeah, I know. I’m using the same pop culture reference to make a point. But the reference is perfect and the point is important so read on. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) "Ocean's Eleven" showed breaking into a high-security vault requires more than just picking a lock; it involves bypassing multiple layers of security measures. This is similar to multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA enhances security by requiring users to present multiple pieces of evidence (factors) to verify their identity.... read more.

  • July 02, 2024

By Ryan Lee, Posted in Security

Let's face it, we’ve all been targeted by scams at some point these days. It happens so often, that I am able to spot it pretty quickly. But this time, I was almost fleeced. Let me set the stage before I share my story here. I am an IT consultant/architect and have been in this field for over 20 years now. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable, more than your typical savvy tech user. In my line of work, security is paramount. Whether it’s around architecture, implementation, ongoing management... read more.

  • June 24, 2024

By Steve Gold, Posted in Security

Danny Ocean, played by George Clooney in Ocean’s 11 shows the complexity, timing, and sometimes ease of leveraging social engineering for an attack. This film provides a compelling look into the art of deception and manipulation, showcasing strategies that are surprisingly relevant to cybersecurity training. In "Ocean's Eleven," Danny Ocean and his team use sophisticated social engineering tactics to rob a casino. They employ pretexting when posing as technicians or officials to access restricted are... read more.

  • June 19, 2024

By Hank Smith, Posted in Security

I wanted to share a personal experience about how artificial intelligence (AI) was almost used to exploit the elderly. I recently received a troubling call from my father, inquiring if my partner had been involved in a car accident and placed in jail. Knowing this wasn't true, I probed for more details. It turned out my father had received a call from somebody claiming to be my partner with a voice that sounded exactly like hers. The caller, impersonating my partner, said she caused an accident that harmed... read more.

  • June 12, 2024