No Shirt. No Shoes. No Access!

No Shirt. No Shoes. No Access!

By Steve Gold
Posted in Security
On April 25, 2023

Ok, so that’s not exactly what the sign typically says but you should have your own sign that says “No Approval. No Authorization. No Access!”

No one wants uninvited guests in their home/party just like no wants unauthorized, unapproved assets on their network. You need the visibility to know who/what is on your network and the ability to remove them if they’re not authorized. Those unauthorized assets can unknowingly expand your blast radius and increase your attack surface.

Whether it be someone’s personal laptop, a VM created by a developer, or even demonstration/test systems/accounts. Because no one has ever setup an account or system with a name of “Demo,” “DemoTest,” or “Test”, right?

These systems/accounts often have weak security configurations (i.e., not patched appropriately, vulnerabilities, local admin access, etc.) that can make them vulnerable to web or email-based malware. Adversaries can leverage weak security configurations to traverse the network (lateral movement), once inside to find your crown jewels.

So, walk tall, get a big stick, and ensure you have people/process/technology to find those unauthorized assets and remove them!

Here’s the CIS definition of this Control/Safeguard

CIS Control 1:

Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate.

Implementation Group 1 - CIS Safeguard 1.2
Ensure that a process exists to address unauthorized assets on a weekly basis. The enterprise may choose to remove the asset from the network, deny the asset from connecting remotely to the network, or quarantine the asset.
Steve Gold

Steve Gold

Steve Gold is the Cybersecurity Practice Director at Gotham Technology Group (Gotham). He is responsible for providing the vision and thought leadership to expand Gotham’s legacy of success and build a world-class cybersecurity practice. He works closely with Gotham’s customers, industry partners, and subject matter experts to develop relevant solutions for Gotham’s clients and prospects.

Prior to joining Gotham, Steve worked with the Center for Internet Security (CIS), where he expanded the global reach, revenue, and impact of the CIS Benchmarks, CIS Controls, and CIS Hardened Images. He led the efforts to promote the CIS portfolio of low-cost and no-cost cybersecurity products and services that help private and public organizations stay secure in the connected world. He grew a team of security specialists from 12 to over 40 to assist organizations with implementing security best practices in their continual journey of cybersecurity maturity.

During his more than 20-year career, Steve led teams responsible for developing and implementing technology solutions at some of the industry’s most recognized companies such as Varonis, VMware, Dell & Wyse Technology

Steve is a frequent speaker/moderator at industry conferences and webinars, covering a wide array of information security topics. He resides and works remotely in Baltimore, MD.