This Week in Technology

This Week in Technology

By Eric Corcoran
Posted in Technology Week in Review
On August 02, 2024

Monday 7/29

Protecting Your Cloud Application Against Unknown Risks (Check Point)

No system can ever be completely impervious to threats. Even with state-of-the-art protections in place, cloud security is never truly good enough if there remain unidentified vulnerabilities.

Identity-based attacks and the identity attack chain (Delinea)

Identity-based attacks progress in phases along what’s known as the Identity Attack Chain. The Identity Attack Chain is the typical step-by-step process cyber criminals use to conduct identity-based attacks.

Tuesday 7/30

Security Training 101 – Patched Software is the ONLY software ft. Bryon Singh Railworks Corp.

Bolstering Azure Blob Storage and Data Lake Gen 2 Security with Rubrik's Cyber Resilience Solution (Rubrik)

With the deluge of information comes the amplified risk of exposure to security blind spots and the potential compromise of sensitive, mission-critical data. In response to this growing concern, Rubrik is pioneering a cyber resilient solution specifically architected for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

Ransomware Attacks Are Noisy. Learn How to Listen for Them. (ExtraHop)

The time between initial intrusion and ransomware deployment is crucial for defenders. This increasingly small time interval provides defenders with the most opportunities to detect and disrupt attacks before threat actors can achieve their objectives.

Wednesday 7/31

Is Ransomware Malware? (Arctic Wolf)

With increasing, evolving attacks now the norm, it’s essential to understand where ransomware sits in the modern threat landscape. That means clearly defining what it is as well as where it falls in the larger category of malware, understanding how it works, and assembling the best tools and solutions to stop it.

5 Strategies for Setting the Right Cybersecurity KPIs (CyberArk)

In a rapidly changing threat landscape characterized by new identities, environments and attack methods, many potential KPIs exist to track. Measuring too many things can be distracting or misleading, while not measuring enough can create gaps in understanding and protection.

Thursday 8/1

Simplify With Unified Application Management (Nerdio)

Keeping applications updated is a fundamental part of basic security hygiene, as it prevents vulnerabilities and incidents that could compromise sensitive data and disrupt business operations. However, the process of maintaining and managing these applications is time-consuming and unnecessarily tedious.

The Procurement and Operational Benefits of a Cybersecurity Platform (Palo Alto Networks)

Consolidating multiple solutions into a unified platform effectively closes the security gaps that rise when deploying individual point products to address specific issues. This is crucial because modern cyberattacks exploit multiple vulnerabilities simultaneously, leveraging AI and machine learning opportunistically.

Friday 8/2

Introducing pattern-based agentless malware detection using YARA rules (Wiz)

Wiz is expanding our existing detection capabilities to include pattern-based malware detection using YARA rules written by the Wiz Research team.

Navigating Cloud Security: A Shared Responsibility (CyberArk)

In cloud environments, the cloud service provider (CSP) and the customer share security responsibilities to meet all controls. This shared approach ensures coverage for audits. It also clarifies the responsibilities of each party, making it clear who is responsible for what actions.