This Week in Technology

This Week in Technology

By Eric Corcoran
Posted in Technology Week in Review
On September 13, 2024

Monday 9/9

Move to Azure Virtual Desktop—The Right Way (Nerdio)

The first rule of AVD migration? Plan ahead. We can’t stress this enough. Rushing into a migration without a solid game plan is a recipe for disaster.

What Key Cyberthreats Do Small Businesses Face? (Bitdefender)

Small businesses owners not only have limited resources to defend against cyberattacks, they also typically lack the time and knowledge to keep tabs on the ever-changing threat landscape. As mentioned earlier, small firms stand to lose the most from a run-in with hackers.

Tuesday 9/10

Why do you need an identity security platform? (Delinea)

The average company uses more than 25 different systems for identity management, according to a recent survey from Dimensional Research. As a result, people don’t have all the information they need to spot issues or make informed decisions.

Telco Dial Tone: What’s Old Is New Again (Pure Storage)

Reliability is critical for telcos. With proven 99.9999% availability, FlashArray delivers both the reliability and simplicity telcos need to provide reliable and efficient services to their customers.

Streamlining Incident Handling: Designating Personnel for Incident Management

Wednesday 9/11

August 2024’s Most Wanted Malware: RansomHub Reigns Supreme While Meow Ransomware Surges (Check Point)

Check Point’s latest threat index reveals RansomHub’s continued dominance and Meow ransomware’s rise with novel tactics and significant impact.

Backup is Back (Rubrik)

To stay ahead of the bad guys, we need to know where critical data is, who has access to it and what they are doing with it. Not just within SaaS but across the entire data estate.

Thursday 9/12

Using Time in Your Favor During a Ransomware Attack (Palo Alto Networks)

Ransomware attacks are urgent for both sides. Organizations must quickly respond, recover and mitigate the damage while attackers need a swift payoff to move on to their next target. But, it’s not all about speeding up. Slowing attackers down is just as important.

Citrix Endpoint Management is Ready with Day 0 Support for iOS 18! (Citrix)

Citrix Endpoint Management is ready to support iOS 18 on Day 0. Our development team has been closely monitoring and testing the early access releases to ensure compatibility with the Citrix Secure Hub client, Citrix mobile productivity apps—such as Secure Mail and Secure Web—and both cloud and on-premises Citrix Endpoint Management.

Friday 9/13

A New Grandfather Learns a New (to me) Concept

In today’s digital world, the concept of privacy has evolved beyond traditional boundaries. One of the most pressing issues emerging from this evolution is a new concept to me, "infant digital privacy." Although infants themselves are not interacting with digital technologies directly, their personal data is increasingly being collected, shared, and sometimes exploited.

Types of Security Scans Every Organization Should Be Using (Arctic Wolf)

By taking a risk-based approach, and conducting regular, thorough security scans, organizations can turn their sights toward a proactive strategy that will help mitigate -threats like vulnerabilities and put them in a better position to defend when threats arrive in their environment.

The Imperative of Data Loss Prevention in the AI-Driven Enterprise (Cato Networks)

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) has (re)emerged as a critical component for IT professionals seeking to safeguard sensitive information. DLP is no longer a “nice-to-have” feature; it’s an essential part of any comprehensive security strategy, especially in an AI-driven world.